Research shows that third-grade reading proficiency and success in Algebra 1 will increase the likelihood of graduation
Mastering early literacy skills is foundational for all future learning. A study by the Annie E. Casey Foundation showed that students who can read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to earn a high school diploma. By providing high-impact tutoring in foundational literacy, you can ensure your students smoothly transition from learning to read to reading to learn.
Ninth-grade Algebra 1 is a gateway to high school graduation and, therefore, economic mobility in America. A national US Department of Education study found that 80% of students who drop out of high school cite course failures as their top reason, with Algebra 1 as the course most failed. Research from the American Institutes for Research suggests that only 20% of students who fail Algebra 1 in ninth grade will go on to receive a high school diploma, compared to 85% of those who pass the course. Helping students during this pivotal time multiplies their opportunities long after high school.