Introducing Saga Coach

Help anyone be a great tutor with Saga Coach. This online training program provides the foundational skills for being an effective tutor. The training is independent of grade and subject.

The Saga training is proven effective and has been honed over years to produce remarkable tutors consistently. 

Use Saga Coach as your main tutor training program, a supplement to your existing training, or as a terrific way to provide ongoing professional development.

Instructional strategies to help students thrive

Designed by tutor trainers for tutor trainers

Icon_Saga Coach is self-paced


Navigate at your own pace in your own time.

Saga Coach is Reflective


Reflect on your learning and take those reflections with you.

Icon_Saga Coach is Interactive


Connect with other tutors to practice through role-playing.

Icon_Saga Coach is Credible


Track your progress, earn badges and receive a certificate of completion.

Overview of Saga Coach

Saga Coach was created with tutors in mind. Whatever your background, this evidence-based training will give your tutors the foundation they need. The course helps tutors understand how to plan, run and reflect on sessions that result in measurable student growth.

How it works

The Saga Coach program focuses on the three Rs to help tutors build effective relationships, understand what a high-quality tutorial looks like, and ensure that they consistently keep expectations high.

Relationships icon


Dive into your relationship with education, students, and feedback.

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Learn how to unlock the magic of a high-quality tutorial and learn practical tips on consistently fostering deep engagement.

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Explore topics like maintaining high expectations, keys to effective lesson planning, student work analysis, and more.

Saga Coach is easy to use. After signing up, you can navigate through the modules at your own speed. And at the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Review Saga Coach’s Scope and Sequence here.

Ready to boost your tutoring skills?

Evidence of impact

How EQPD's K-12 Connect Trained Hundreds of High-Impact Tutors

For organizations and districts

Get started with implementing high-dosage tutor training in your organization or school district by completing our Interest Form below.

We offer customizations for school districts and large enterprises (i.e., admin dashboards, the ability to upload and develop new modules, and tailor existing modules and sequences). Connect with our team via the form below to learn more about how we can customize the Saga Coach experience for your organization.